Frequent Flyer: Meet Jessica Manning

Name: Jessica Manning

Location: Los Angeles, CA

100mL: What skincare and wellness products do you always bring when you travel?

JM: moisturized, hand cream, lip balm, and SPF

100mL: What are your favorite skincare and wellness brands?

JM: Some of my favorites are Tata Harper, LESSE, Youth to the People, Moon Juice, goop, etc.

100mL: What is your plane routine?

JM: I almost never wear makeup on a flight, especially internationally. I typically do a thorough skincare routine and layer on lots of moisture. I always travel with a face mist, hand sanitizer, hand lotion and a nourishing lip balm. And lots of water! Oh... and disinfecting wipes!

100mL: What is your favorite destination?

JM: I'm so grateful I've been able to travel to many places internationally but my favorite is always Stockholm, Sweden. I was born there and my sister lives there so it always feels like a homecoming in some way. There's so much nostalgia in the food and culture there and nothing beats that in my opinion.


100mL: What are your travel plans for 2024?

JM: I am currently getting ready to head back to Stockholm for a bit of a family trip. I also recently spent some time in Palm Springs with my in-laws and later in the year I'll be going to San Frnacisco and back home to Minneapolis to visit family. Last year my husband and I did a big trip to Japan for our honeymoon so this year we're not traveling quite as much.

100mL: Whats your number 1 travel tip?

JM: I am a terrible over-packer. Always have been. But I've recently discovered the magic of planning and packing in outfits rather than just packing random clothing items. It's been a game changer. Make sure to snap pics of the outfits and save them in a folder on your phone, will make it so much easier during your trip!

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